Cancellation Policy


1. All cancellations must be made prior to checkout. No cancellations will be accepted after checkout has been completed.

2. Orders may be cancelled by Novo Meds due to the following reasons:
a. Customer has failed three (3) times to receive the order via home delivery;
b. Customer has failed to collect their order from the nominated Click & Collect store within the five (5) day collection period;
c. If the order has been evaluated as a potential case of fraud;
d. Other cases when order cannot be fulfilled.

3. In the event that Novo Meds cancels an order, it shall be in full, not partially/per item.

4. Customers will be duly notified in the event that an order has been cancelled.

5. For cancelled orders that were paid through credit card, refund shall be processed through credit card payment reversal following Novo Meds’s standard processing period.

6. For cancelled orders that were paid through Novo Meds E-Vouchers, E-Vouchers of the same amount will be re-issued to the Customer.

7. Promotional E-Vouchers and Coupon Discounts applied on the order cannot be reused for another order.